I don’t think the Brick Church is very “contemporvant”

4 thoughts on “I don’t think the Brick Church is very “contemporvant”

  1. I think you would need to get new glasses, for one thing. (Not that there’s anything wrong with your old glasses, of course.)

  2. Jamie isn’t a fan of my approach to glasses in general. Jamie and Allison are very concerned about me wearing both sunglasses and readers at Allison’s softball games.

    It’s not really too much of a concern (obviously) from my end.

  3. In our ministry (InterVarsity) we have a “large group” every week that is similar to a church service. We as staff and students have to constantly battle the temptation to allow music to manipulate our emotions and the emotions of our students.

    It is definitely a challenge to put together a quality large group with biblical teaching and spirit-filled worship without making it a ‘production’!

  4. Hi Kirsten! Yes, it’s hard to keep the balance. Sometimes we excuse a shoddy job by saying we don’t want to be “slick.” We have to also avoid that extreme.

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