If you are in the midst of a conflict, Molly Friesen has posted an excellent prayer on the Peacemakers web site.
Maybe if you are in the midst of a conflict, you could print this out, get on your knees and pray through it. (If you are really environmentally conscious, rather than printing it out, kneel next to your computer).
The prayer is from The Peacemaker written by Ken Sande. I highly recommend this book as well as the other resources available in their resource store.
On pages 84-85 of The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict
, Ken Sande explores what it means to obey Paul’s command to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Phi. 4:4), even when we are in the midst of conflict. He asks, “What on earth is there to rejoice about when you are involved in a dispute? If you open your eyes and think about God’s lavish goodness to you, here is the kind of joyful worship you could offer to him, even in the midst of the worst conflict:”
Oh Lord, you are so amazingly good to me! You sent your only Son to die for my sins, including those I have committed in this conflict. Because of Jesus I am forgiven, and my name is written in the Book of Life! You do not treat me as I deserve, but you are patient, kind, gentle, and forgiving with me. Please help me to do the same to others.
In your great mercy, you are also kind to my opponent. Although he has wronged me repeatedly, you hold out your forgiveness to him as you do to me. Even if he and I never reconcile in this life, which I still hope we will, you have already done the work to reconcile us forever in heaven. This conflict is so insignificant compared to the wonderful hope we have in you!
This conflict is so small compared to the many other things you are watching over at this moment, yet you still want to walk beside me as I seek to resolve it.
See also, Four Promises Christians Make When They Forgive and The Gospel is at the Heart of Peacemaking