5th Tree Back, Right Side, As You Face the Throne

I repeat this post (that is the script from a radio spot) periodically.  But, it is important that none of you forget the directions.  Jamie and I want you to come by our party. If you need directions, you need only read John 14:1-6.

My family talks about where we are going to meet when we get to the Heavenly City.

You have to see the picture in your mind. Revelation 22 says that there is a river as clear as crystal flowing from the throne of God down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river is the Tree of life.

Can you see that in your mind? The Lord Jesus sitting gloriously on a throne, a great tree-lined river crashing down from his throne, and vast throngs of people from every part of the world celebrating?

I can’t wait. But, I also want to make sure my friends and family know where to meet. Here is the plan. We are all going to meet at the 5th tree on the right side of the river facing the throne. Be sure it is the right side of the river as you face the throne. Then count 5 trees back.

My daughter Allison is concerned that our spot may already be reserved. What if someone like Daniel has reserved our tree? But, I tell her they’ll just have to share our space. We’re going to be right next to that tree in the Heavenly City.

If you know Christ, can you find just a few moments today to reflect on what you are looking forward to in the Heavenly City? Who are you looking forward to seeing? Can you imagine feeling perfectly healthy? No more death, mourning, crying, or pain (Revelation 21:3-5)!

I am Pastor Chris Brauns from the Red Brick Church in Stillman Valley. I’m sure I won’t meet all of you in person. Wouldn’t it be cool if the first time you and I shook hands was at the Heavenly City before the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ? Through faith in you can be there. Come by, 5th tree, right side facing the throne, at the great celebration of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

See also:

What do Christians mean when they reference the gospel or good news?

8 thoughts on “5th Tree Back, Right Side, As You Face the Throne

  1. Thank you for your comment on my “Thoughtful Thursday” post regarding Casey Anthony, and for spending some time perusing my blog. I also appreciate your comments as my family and I are seeking to live well “while we’re waiting” for that glorious reunion in the Heavenly City.

    I love your family’s plan for meeting up when you all get there. I think we will make a similar plan. Of course, we’ll have to choose a different tree, since it sounds like it may be a litle crowded around your tree. I’ll be sure to stop by and say “hello”, though! 🙂

    Looking forward to keeping up with your blog via email until that day!


  2. Our oldest when she was young would ask, “Well, what if there is already a meeting at the tree we have picked out?” I told her that even if we have to share the tree with a “Daniel in the Lions den reunion” or something like that, we will still meet at that tree.

  3. Dear Sir,
    I know this is rather a small ridiculous question, but still it bothers me… If THE Tree of Life is on either side of the River flowing from the Throne of Jesus, how can you possibly meet at the 5th tree, right side when facing the Throne? There’s only ONE tree… please forgive me…I’m not trying to be sarcastic or dense…I just don’t understand how you can choose to meet somewhere that doesn’t exist. I don’t think Revelations 22 says that the River of Life is lined by treeS… Can you please help me to understand?

  4. Kathleen,

    It’s a great question! I’ve thought about it a lot.

    While there may be one tree of life, I don’t think it will be the only tree. I needed someway to explain it to small children – – my own when their grandfather died – – so that was my approach.

    If we get to the heavenly city, and there aren’t 5 trees on the right side of the river – – or if I am supposed to be on the other side — or something like that – – then we will work it out.

    But I want my family to know I am going to be there and the most important thing in my life is for them to be there as well!

    Does that make sense?

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