Mary Beth Begins the Great Adventure

Mary Beth after the first grade meeting

Every year before our children start school, I meet with them individually, share one truth, and give an associated gift.

For example, when Allison started kindergarten, the bullet was, “God made you, and you belong to God.”  I gave her a little milk shake making device.  I told her, “When you make milk shakes with this, they’ll be yours.   Likewise, God made you.  You belong to him.”

When we got home, Jamie asked Allison, “What did dad talk to you about?”

She responded, “He gave me something to make milk shakes with, and I don’t have to share them with the boys.”

One can only hope my preaching is more effective.

All of which is to say, that I met with Mary Beth today to talk first grade.  The first grade meeting is my favorite.  First grade is when the great adventure of reading begins.  Mary Beth and I ate Snickers Ice Cream bars on a bench in Ropp park in Stillman Valley, IL and I spoke as eloquently as I possibly could to a first grader about reading:

Reading is the great adventure.  You can travel to distant lands or fly through the sky.  When I was a little boy I was Davey Crockett and Daniel Boone.  You will dream little girl dreams.  But, reading will open such wonderful worlds for you.  And, never forget, there is no book like the Bible.  Nothing else like reading God’s Word.

I gave her a little book.  She read it once to me.  I read it to her.  We came home and took a picture.

The observant reader will notice a package on our front door step, just beyond MB’s outstretched hand.  It’s a book I ordered that arrived today.  My reading adventure continues.

3 thoughts on “Mary Beth Begins the Great Adventure

  1. Chris this is an awesome thing you do with your children, may I steal it. I only wish I had know about something like this years ago. It is not to late though right? These next years are big years for KC and I think something like this would be good to start now for him.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Sandy, by all means, steal away. As your pastor, I give you permission to steal (in this instance). I am sure I got the idea from someone else. I just don’t know who.

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