Unpacking Forgiveness Article at Reformation 21

An article I wrote on forgiveness is available on Reformation 21 Magazine today.

I’ve been thinking recently about something television star Kelsey Grammer said.  It’s not because I saw a rerun of Cheers. Unfortunately, the context is tragic. Grammer has me thinking about well intentioned people who end up “packing unforgiveness.”  Where deep wounds are concerned, there are those who try and do what they believe faith requires.  Yet, they end up hurting all the more.

Click here to read the whole thing.

3 thoughts on “Unpacking Forgiveness Article at Reformation 21

  1. Well done, Chris. May the Lord open eyes to the biblical truth on this most important, deeply human matter of forgiveness and change our hearts to align with Scripture. We’ve (Christendom at large) have a long way to go here, but to the extent that we move closer to what God is teaching us (and you via your book) is the extent to which we can reach out to the unbelieving world and “unpack” the wonderful gift of redemption and reconciliation offered by true forgiveness.

  2. What a wonderful explanation of forgiveness. Clear and concise. I could have been reading a transcript of conversations I overheard between my husband and our dearest friend, Dr. Jerry Galloway, “the Apostle to the Pygmies”. Over 27 years of letters he wrote home, he spoke often of forgiveness as he worked with the pygmy slave tribes (Batwa) of the rain forest and the Ekonda’s who were Bantu and the “Master tribe”. He would be extremely proud and happy for the spiritual connection and common ground you two share. Congratulations and best wishes for every success with your writings.

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