A while back, we bought an additional television for our basement, so I have been thinking again about the whole television thing. I am reminding myself, in particular, about a warning given by Marie Winn.
In her landmark book, The Plug-in Drug, Marie Winn argued that television is a dangerous drug because it is one that parents often give to their children for their own benefit. Winn wrote:
Surely there can be no more insidious a drug than one that you must administer to others in or to achieve an effect for yourself (page 15).
Do you hear what she is saying? Winn argued that television can be a narcotic that we administer to our children to buy us time while we try and get things done. According to Winn, the biggest danger of television is not the content – – -even if we watch the right things. Television does our thinking for us, it is a sedentary activity
I am not saying all television is wrong. Once when the flu visited our house (though uninvited); one of our children watched Anne of Greene Gables during recovery. It was a good thing.
But, let’s ask ourselves. Do we regularly administer videos, even good ones, to our children, in order to buy ourselves peace and quiet.
Do not let television be a drug that you administer to your children for your own benefit.
Definitely some good thoughts. I need that reminder often. 3 kids under 4 and I find it very tempting to let the TV babysit for me while I try to get things done. I definitely do not want them to start an addiction at such a young age. Thanks for the healthy reminder!
Good to hear from you Mrs. Carr. One thing we learned that if you avoid administering the plug in drug, your children learn to play by themselves. I think resorting to videos too often quickly begins to stifle imaginations.
On a different note, Chris asked if I wanted to know what Jeremy is preaching on tomorrow. I guess the thought it looks like a provocative topic.
He preached on homosexuality and abortion. Very limited in details but he was able to get across what was needed. As always, I thought he did great!