Will A Small Town Survive?

I grew up in the Southeast corner of the GSOI (Great State of Iowa).  My parents both grew up a few miles from Oakville, IA.  My mom has stories of men working through the night on the levies during floods.  But, nothing like this has ever happened to Oakville to date.

In a Des Moines Register article, this author reflects on whether or not his hometown will survive.  John Carlson writes that it appears grim.

There’s no convenient nearby hill to which the town can “relocate.” It may well cease to exist. That would be a very tough thing for the people who fled from Oakville Saturday and for the thousands who grew up here and scattered around the world.

You can move away from Oakville. But it always will be our home.

And, while, not all small towns are threatened by floods, many are struggling to keep their identity.  Just as Oakville struggles against the practical issues of living in a flood plain, other small towns struggle with declining rural population and a move to urban areas.  Oakville’s current dilemma pictures the plight of towns all over America.

A lot is at stake: a way of life, communities, identity.

Maybe it isn’t pragmatic for Oakville to rebuild, but, being from a small town, I hope they do.

You can read the story here.photo

3 thoughts on “Will A Small Town Survive?

  1. Thank you for the post. This is heart breaking, I know that the Lord will use this to glorify Himself – But I will continue to pray… again, thanks for the post!


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