An Auspicious Day

Today our church celebrates 150 years as a church.  We’re only having one service, which means that we’ll be packed. . . it’s going to be a wonderful time.

So few churches make it to 150 years.  And, far fewer make it to 150 years while continuing to be a vibrant witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.  The logo to the right expresses much of our heart for the coming year.  We want to be thankful for our history even as we are focused on our Lord and what He will accomplish in the future.

9 thoughts on “An Auspicious Day

  1. It was a beautiful morning! Thanks to everyone who made it so memorable. I really enjoyed the video and hearing everyone’s reasons for being at the Red Brick Church. We are truly blessed!

    Thank you Pastor Chris for a powerful message this morning. You did a fantastic job of relaying the message in the short amount of time you had. It’s one message I won’t soon be forgetting.

    In HIS Design~

  2. Congratulations to you and to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Illinois. What a wonderful joy for your community. We pray that you will have at least another 150 years of faithfulness (unless Christ returns first!).

  3. Praise be to God for your faithfulness.

    I know you’ll keep laying the foundation and charting the course for the next 150 years of Christ exaltation.

  4. a bit late, but Congrats! May God continue to work in and through your church!

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