If you’ve ever been around me and my work environment, you know that I work as an island in a sea of books. I spend a lot of time organizing books, reading from them, copying down quotes, and transporting them from my study at home to church or vice versa.
Generally, a book is the opposite place of where I need it. If it is at church, I need it at home, etc.
So, you might think my dream would be to own a Kindle (Amazon’s electronic reader). Then I could carry around multiple books in this electronic device. But, for myriad reasons, including the fact that I like how books smell, I have not seriously considered it. Besides, it is pretty expensive.
But, for those who are thinking of getting one, you might want to read Tim Challies review here.
And, by all means, if you get one, click through someone’s Amazon Associates link, such as the one below. The reward for referring someone to a Kindle is pretty good. $40 according to Tim.
Kindle: Amazon’s New Wireless Reading Device