Taking Action

Be encouraged to listen to John Piper’s sermon from T4G.  (You can do so by clicking here).

After Piper finished, Lig Duncan shared, “John, you are like an F5 tornado in our hearts.”

It was a great description.  I found myself so convicted and motivated by Piper’s sermon.

But, it’s one thing to be convicted in Louisville.  It’s quite another to come back to Stillman Valley and take action.  Piper’s challenge was to be radically committed to Christ.  The question is, “Am I going to follow through on that?”

I wonder if you would pray for me to follow through in modeling to our people radical commitment to Christ?  A couple of areas, in particular, are on my heart – – which I’m not ready to share yet, given that I haven’t even talked about them with Jamie!

I pray that I will be a person who, after being spoken to by the Word, would be a doer of the Word (James 1:22-25).

4 thoughts on “Taking Action

  1. Amen! Duncan’s description of Piper is perfect. It is my constant prayer that the Spirit filled messages that penetrate my heart and mind will truly make a difference in how I live. I’ll be praying for you and Jamie to know what and how the LORD might be leading you to be different in the way you live out your commitment to Christ and to His glory.

  2. Thanks for the reminder. Yes, radical lovers of Christ. One who treasures Christ above all else.

    We all need God’s help, God’s power and the aid of the Holy Spirit.

    I will pray for you Chris, each time that I pray for myself.


    Tom Coughlin

  3. Great first place to start…praying with my wife for radical committment to our congregation. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.”

    May they see the Radical Christ Himself, living radically through His radical church!

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