God is Light

Do you realize that one of the most important statements about God is that He is light.  John R.W. Stott says that no biblical statement is more comprehensive of God’s essential being than the 1 John 1:5 assertion that God is “light.”  The idea that God is light carries a number of truths with it.  First, God chooses to tell us about Himself.  The God of Heaven and Earth does not dwell in shadows, but he discloses himself, again using Stott’s words, in perfect purity and utter majesty.”

The light that God shines does not simply tell us who God is  — – but light from God allows us to walk.  When we know Christ, the light that we find in God’s Word allows us to confidently move forward in life.  We do not need to hesitate or be unsure.

The next time you notice light, think of the light.  If you look west from Rockford and see a great sunset, remind yourself that God is light.  In Him there is not even a trace of darkness.  He does not dwell in shadows but He blazes a knowledge of himself into human history through His Creation and His Word.  He gives us this light not simply that we can worship His excellence, but also that we can walk forward in life, that we may have right conduct.

It is not the job of the church to hide our lights under baskets.  Rather, we are to be mirrors that reflect the brilliances, purity, and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

3 thoughts on “God is Light

  1. YES!!! When I am given the opportunity to speak and share my testimony, it is framed around this truth – that God is Light – beginning for me with The Light that drew me out of darkness (my salvation), and has remained the Light that has guided, healed, protected and sanctified. Maybe that is why in my photography that I am so drawn to and inspired by light. I have only read quotes from John Stott and they have all spoken to me. I think I need to read more than just his quotes. Any suggestions?

  2. You know, I honestly haven’t read that much by him. I do love his commentary on Acts. I think that is where I got this quote. It is called, The Spirit, the Churh, and The World I think.

    I do enjoy your photography. The bunting is still my favorite . . .

    Spring is finally here in Stillman Valley. And, not a moment too soon.

  3. Such a beautiful and visual truth. I’ve always enjoyed the paintings (as we like to call them) God creates with His light at sunset. Truly my favorite time of day. I captured some amazing photos at sunset on the beach in Puerto Rico. I felt God so strongly as I sat there taking in His majesty. Every sunset is another chance to thank Him for His Light, His Love and His Son.

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