Right now, at the end of the Holiday Season, how do you feel inside? Often at Christmas we sing about joy and peace. Is that where you are at? Do you feel a deep and abiding happiness that survives even difficult times? Do you have the calm assurance that all is well in your life? Or, do you feel as though deep down there is something that is just not there. You may have understood the Christian message for many years, and have the answers in your minds, but somehow your heart still feels a longing. Sometimes at Christmas people feel like they are standing outside a house looking in through the windows, they can see the warm fire and people laughing and talking, but it is as though they are on the outside looking in.
If that is where you are at, how about turning to God’s Word in a special way in the days to come. The Bible says that the Law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul, the commands of the Lord are radiant giving light to the eyes. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold, by them is your servant warned in keeping them there is great reward.
Why not make it a goal to read through the Bible in the coming year. Get a headstart this week. If you seek Christ in the Bible on a regular basis, then you will find the deep abiding joy and peace for which you are longing.
Just one practical suggestion, I would encourage you to follow a schedule rather than simply starting in Genesis and reading straight through. A good Bible reading schedule will get you through the Bible in a year by reading different portions of Scripture each day. You can find one on the internet or Bible are available that have a schedule in them.
And, be in a church, where the Word is preached.