Seven Men by Metaxas: Chapter 4 Study Guide – Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Return to the Main Page for the Study Guide for Seven Men and the Secret of their Greatness by Eric Metaxas.

Focus for the Week

Are we seeing the times in which we live with biblical clarity?


How did you take action in “everyday” ways during the last week based on the challenges of our study? Remember to be specific!

Did anyone specifically set aside time to dream about how we can be used by God to be catalysts for cultural transformation? Remember: what you thought about on the way to our time together doesn’t count. Did you set aside time?

What is the next step you need to take in being “a catalyst for culture change?”


Several “c’s” stand out when one surveys Bonhoeffer’s life. How are each of these seen in Bonhoeffer’s life?





How did these qualities come together so that Bonhoeffer was used in a tremendous way?


Bonhoeffer could have fled Germany. He was in America as late as 1939. Yet, he returned to Germany, ultimately facing death. Much of the reason that Bonhoeffer still inspires people today was his calm in the face of imminent death.

How does Hebrews 2:10-18 help us understand why Bonhoeffer was calm in the face of death?

How is Christ foundational and central in each of the 4 c’s given above?





 Engage and Execute

Are we acting together in ways such that the c’s given above (capability, courage, connections, commitment) come together in such a way that we are agents for change in our culture?

 For Further Reading and Study


Return to the Main Page for the Study Guide for Seven Men and the Secret of their Greatness by Eric Metaxas.



Return to the Main Page for the Study Guide for Seven Men and the Secret of their Greatness by Eric Metaxas.

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