Ryan Anderson Endures What Those Who Stand for Truth Can Expect

Tomorrow (D.V.) I’m preaching on Matthew 5:10-12 in which Jesus says, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.” Jesus later amplifies this teaching in Matthew 10:16-42. Below, Ryan T. Anderson’s treatment by Piers Morgan shows what those willing to stand for truth in the public square can expect in the years to come.

See also this exchange at a forum held at Stanford.

5 thoughts on “Ryan Anderson Endures What Those Who Stand for Truth Can Expect

  1. He is good. Just two days ago I had a conversation with someone who pointed out that we need to prepare our children and grandchildren for how to respond to this particular issue in ways that graciously “content for the faith,” because we are quickly becoming the minority.

  2. I was very impressed with Ryan Anderson. His steadfast manner in fielding the questions of Piers Morgan and Sally Orman is to be admired. I found the questioners to be disrespectful and rude in their questionng. Maybe when one has no moral foundation for their view they have to resort to this type of behavior.

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