Reminders from Our Church Children

FullSizeRenderSunday I wasn’t preaching so I had the rare privilege of spending time with some of our church children. Here’s how they encouraged me (with some reminders too):

  • One little girl improvised her own songs during craft time. To an unknown melody she sang, “My mommy will like this picture . . . she will think it is beautiful.” One of the greatest compliments a little girl can give her parents is to be happy.
  • A little boy told me that his dad reads him the story about Jesus making a lame man walk. We need more dads  who read Bible stories! Deut 6:4-9. (Get this book!)
  • I learned new rules to “Duck, Duck, Goose.” I didn’t know that if you’re too slow you sit in the middle as “duck soup.” I like the rule because it meant I got to sit with a cute little girl. I hope mothers never stop buying black patent leather shoes.
  • Several of the children reminded me that I have been to their houses. I wish I could clone myself.
  • I wasn’t ready with any story in particular so we went over my favorites. One little boy predicted that the lions would eat Daniel. They knew most of the stories before I got to the end. The children especially remembered stories with songs (Luke 19:1-9, Matthew 7:24-27). Sing.
  • I’ve stayed in the valley that inspired Tolkein about Rivendell. I’ve been to the palace of Versailles. But it doesn’t matter where you go in the world, the most beautiful site is childrenChildren are an easy first. Nothing else comes close.

2 thoughts on “Reminders from Our Church Children

  1. I love that you love children. It’s one of my favorite things about you! And I’ll bet the people at your church love it, too!

    I’ve asked this before, and still have no answer. How will heaven be heaven without children? I just can’t imagine.

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