Youth Ministry Road Ditches to Avoid (What did I miss?)

Balance is the temporary moment when one swings from one extreme to the other. Having thought about youth ministry for almost 25 years, it is my impression that balance is needed in the below areas. Both ditches must be avoided.

In what other areas of youth ministry is balance needed?

Left Ditch


Right Ditch

Worldly – No different than secular culture. “Amish” – Totally isolated and not salt and light.
Teens isolated by age group / de-emphasis of family No youth ministry / family and church seen synonymously
Games only Non-engaging and irrelevant teaching
A “decisionist” approach with little or know structured curriculum or teaching “Programmed conversion” / formalized spirituality through confirmation etc / no recognition of revival
Complete para-church approach A refusal to ever cooperate with other churches

See these posts:

Listening to Young Atheists: Lessons for a Stronger Christianity

Emphases for Graduating Seniors

The New City Catechism

A Key Principle for Youth Ministry

2 thoughts on “Youth Ministry Road Ditches to Avoid (What did I miss?)

  1. Sorry this doesn’t fit the size of your boxes…

    Inward: Students are receptacles. The best case scenario has a heavy emphasis on teaching and discipleship. The worst case scenario is all entertainment and attractions for an “audience.” There is no evangelism beyond invitations to the event, and no service to the body or the community.

    Outward: Students are activists. Community service and mission trips are nice things to do to keep kids busy, change the world, and put something on their college application. No gospel foundation means no ultimate purpose or reason for witness.

    Balance: Robust discipleship includes intensive input of teaching and equipping, and this results in bold witness of the gospel and sacrificial service in Christ’s name and for his kingdom.

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