Don’t Miss Opportunities to Tell Teens In Your Church You Care

CDB_0028I sent the below email out to our church family today. One of our teens is hurting and I know they will communicate love to her. We must always remember, we only get a few chances to be there for young people. Let them know you care.

Pray for Elizabeth and maybe send her a card. Teens will remember outpourings of love the rest of their lives.

Dear Church Family:

You have heard me brag many times in recent days about the young people of our church. They are so interested in God’s word, motivated, positive, and respectful.

One of the biggest blessings at our youth events has been Elizabeth. I recently taught the junior highers and throughout the time she had a big smile on her face. Later, when we placed “sardines” she teamed up with my son Christopher.

Earlier this week, Elizabeth took a hard fall off her horse and broke her shoulder. Largely because of Storm  (who breaks something every summer) and Christopher (who is currently on something like his 4th cast for a broken hand), we are getting used to broken bones around here. But in Elizabeth’s case, the break is in such a place that she can’t have a cast. It is uncomfortable enough that she can’t sleep. It really hurts.

1382051_10202321161292187_1234935651_nWhich is to say:

(1) Pray for her. You might put in a word for Marlene too, which is mothering her through the discomfort.

(2) Let her know you love her. $5 goes a long ways with teens.

Miss Elizabeth . . .(Address given here)

And, of course, we do love our church family!

On for the King,

Pastor Chris Brauns