Sunrise, Sunset: Another Year of Gardening for Marybeth

6 thoughts on “Sunrise, Sunset: Another Year of Gardening for Marybeth

  1. Ooooo!
    This makes the heart quicken for a fellow gardener!
    What did you get, Marybeth???
    Varieties of tomatoes, carrots, squash, etc…
    (Did you get zinnia seeds? I plant zinnias with my veggies to attract the pollinators. Also, just because it makes weeding a little nicer.)
    Happy Planting!

  2. Also,
    I’ll be singing that song ALL NIGHT…along with “If I Were a Rich Man”.

  3. I’ll have to get the info from her . . . she was grabbing stuff off the shelf. We got cherry tomatoes, mint, basil, peppers, green beans, radishes.

    She is already anticipating how much money we will be saving.

    Those songs do tend to get stuck in our heads!

  4. I’m going to attempt something that I saw on FB. The soil here is rather inhospitable to gardening without considerable soil amendment. So, I am going to try to grow carrots in a large flower pot. Happy gardening Mary Beth.

  5. We were thinking of Mary Beth as we planted our garden this year. We planted more varieties of tomatoes than we did last year. I didn’t cover them last night and I haven’t checked on them yet, I hope they made it! Mack decided to plant sunflowers and we’re all looking forward to the strawberries! Dad assures me we’ll get a better harvest with each year as we build up the soil.

  6. Marybeth, I knew you’d be planting again this year because it was evident you had caught the growing bug! 🙂 I’m also waiting to hear what kind of new plants you’ll be trying. Seems to be a gardener trait to experiment with new plants and crazy ways to plant them. I’ve tried hydroponic tomatoes (a flop) and others that worked out great. You’ll find it just gets more exciting and satisfying every year. Will be watching for your updates!

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