Bricks: Be Ready for Our Story This Summer at The Red Brick Church

There will be a special treat for those who have prepared as families or individually for Sunday’s sermon . . .

This coming Sunday (June 3, 2012) at The Red Brick Church I will begin a new preaching series, “Our Story.” We will focus on Old Testament narrative and make the repeated emphasis that for those who know Christ, the Bible is our story. Scripture is all about how the Triune God is redeeming for Himself a people who will spend eternity with Him on the New Earth.

I want to encourage all of you (and especially our children and young people) to prepare for the sermon. If you do a few simple things, you will qualify for one sort of “treat” or another. Here is what you need to do.

First, pray that in our time in Daniel 1, God would show us wonderful things in his Word. Your prayer does not need to be long. But it does need to be from your heart!

Second, read Daniel 1 ALOUD either as a family or individually. But it only counts if you read it aloud. It will only take you a few minutes to do so.

Third, answer the following questions about Daniel 1:

  1. Who is the book of Daniel about? (Hint: read verses 1:2, 1:9, 1:17)
  2. Was Daniel defiant and disrespectful when he asked the chief official / eunuch for permission not to eat the royal food?
  3. Why do you think Daniel and his friends were given new names?

Fourth, share this page/assignment with at least one other family or friend. It does not even need to be someone from our community (although that would be better!) It counts if you share it on someone’s Facebook wall. Just send the link to someone and encourage them to read Daniel 1 and visit our church if they don’t have a church home.