Are you an “argumentative ant”?

In my book, Unpacking Forgiveness, I point out that many times the reason we argue is because we have forgotten to meditate on the greatness of God:

If we begin to get a glimpse of the vast glory of God, we will realize that many of our conflicts are like two ants arguing about which is taller while standing in front of Mount Everest.

We quibble over some infinitesimal difference of opinion while the vastness of Almighty God soars into the heavens.

We need to stop looking at one another relative to ourselves, or, better yet, stop looking in the mirror. And we need to turn our eyes to the loveliness of Christ in his Word.

If you haven’t done so already, consider taking the forgiveness quiz!

2 thoughts on “Are you an “argumentative ant”?

  1. This is one of my favorite illustrations. I use it all the time–both for myself, and with other ant-like creatures who live in my house.

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