Christopher Hitchens Has Died, Doug Wilson Reflects

The well known atheist Christopher Hitchens died Thursday night. Doug Wilson, who debated Hitchens numerous times reflects in a Christianity Today article:

Editor’s Note: Christopher Hitchens has died at the age of 62. A statement from Vanity Fair said that he died Thursday night at cancer center in Houston of pneumonia, a complication of his esophageal cancer. CT asked Douglas Wilson to weigh in on the life and death of the prominent atheist.

Christopher Hitchens was a celebrity intellectual, and, as such, the basic outlines of his life are generally well known. But for those just joining us, Christopher Hitchens was the older of two sons, born to Eric and Yvonne in April 1949. He discovered as a schoolboy that probing questions about the veracity of the Christian faith were part of a discussion that he “liked having.” His younger brother, Peter, followed him in unbelief. But unlike Christopher, Peter publicly returned to the Church of England, the communion where they had both been baptized.

Christopher spent some time in the 1960s as a radical leftist, but of course that was what everybody was doing back then. Somehow Christopher managed to do this and march to a different drummer, doing his radical stint as part of a post–Trotskyite Luxemburgist sect. He graduated from Balliol at Oxford, and soon became established as a writer, the vocation of his life, one in which he excelled. As a writer and thinker, he was greatly influenced by (and wrote about) men like George Orwell and Thomas Jefferson, while as the same time reserving the right to attack any sacred cow of his choosing—and the more sacred, the better. He is widely known for his scathing attack on Mother Teresa, and when Jerry Falwell passed away, he spent a good deal of time on television chortling about it.

Read the rest here.

1 thought on “Christopher Hitchens Has Died, Doug Wilson Reflects

  1. I’m very sad to hear of his death. While I seldom agreed with him on anything (except the Iraq War), I read nearly every column he wrote in the past 8 years. Many of my friends despised him because of his atheistic views, but I felt sorry for him. I had the impression that he wasn’t a genuine atheist, but rather a man who was terrified at the prospect that there really is a God who judges. My deepest condolences to Peter and the rest of the family.

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