Parents, are you teaching that failure is an option?

Collin Hansen on TGC blog:

Your kids will fail. This is both inevitable and also necessary. Apparently not many parents today want to hear this uncomfortable fact. And they certainly don’t want to implement it in how they discipline their children. Writing the cover story for The Atlantic’s July/August issue, therapist Lori Gottlieb alerts us that the cult of self-esteem is ruining our kids. Convinced they are the center of the universe and capable of anything, our children have become insufferable narcissists. . .

Read the rest here.

1 thought on “Parents, are you teaching that failure is an option?

  1. Hi Pastor Chris – This rings so true. I read some of the comments on the original blog posting as well. One comment referred to a professor that was let go for not being able to handle correction always replying with “I did my best”… that rings true w/me and it is something I need to work on in my parenting. Thanks for sharing so many insightful things.

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