Be Who You Are: Indicative and Imperative

Feeling like the Christian life is too much?  Elyse Fitzpatrick shares a key insight that may help.

Elyse Fitzpatrick:

So many of us cavalierly gloss over what he has done and zero in on what we’re to do, and that shift, though it might seem slight, makes all the difference in the world. Our obedience has its origin in God’s prior action, and forgetting that truth results in self-righteousness, pride, and despair.

Read the whole thing here.

1 thought on “Be Who You Are: Indicative and Imperative

  1. This post and the one today connect just right. Any thing can be pushed too far, but Barbara has it right. Sometimes we just have to act like who we are and not worry if we are what we’re trying to be.

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