Do you feel spiritually dry?

C.J. Mahaney has a helpful post for those who feel as though they are only going through the motions of the faith:

Let me begin this post by asking you four direct questions about the condition of your soul right now:

  • Do you sense that your affections for the Savior have diminished recently?
  • Has your appetite for Scripture weakened?
  • Does your soul seem dry?
  • Does God seem distant from you?

If so, you are not alone. These struggles are common to even the most mature Christians—so common that Scripture anticipates them. But these are serious problems and must be addressed and not ignored. They don’t just go away over time.
So how should we respond?
Tucked away in the short (and often neglected) letter of Jude we find help and hope:

Read the rest here.

Notice there is a sermon link at the end of C.J.’s post.  Maybe consider listening to C.J.’s sermon this weekend?  It will take less time than watching the Packers beat up on the Bears Monday night!

3 thoughts on “Do you feel spiritually dry?

  1. There are times in my life when I am dry and what helps me is being in the word (even I don’t feel like it), being honest with Jesus about what I am feeling, and listening to music that is God-honoring, Christ-exalting.

  2. Chris – – those are really good suggestions, especially hen you say (even when I don’t feel like it). Thanks for the comment.

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