Piper on how he practices the Sabbath principle

One of our goals this summer during my sabbatical is not simply for me to take a sabbatical, but for our church as a whole to grow in their understanding of Sabbath.  In this brief clip, John Piper shares practical wisdom about taking a Sabbath.

You can either read the transcript, watch the video, or listen.


The following is an edited transcript of the audio.

It’s easy to get the impression that you are always working hard. What do you do to relax and unwind?

I think unwind is a right way to say it, because souls and minds can screw down really tight. You can run on adrenaline for a long time and be at such a fever pitch that it becomes destructive. It’ll give you heart disease and so on.

So it’s a good question, and I think everybody needs to do it. I think that’s what the Sabbath principle is in the Bible. God forbade this agrarian people from working who thought that their livelihood depended on working seven days a week. What a thrilling thing to be told not to work, right? "You cannot work, you have to relax today." So I think the principle is there in the Sabbath principle.

Read more here.

1 thought on “Piper on how he practices the Sabbath principle

  1. Piper is such a goof sometimes! Great content here sandwiched around his explanation of the great lunch deals at Old Country Buffet.

    I do hope he is finding his time off to be a blessing.

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