Some Very Exciting (by our standards) Brauns Announcements, including a move to Switzerland

imageBrauns highlights for 2010 (D.V.!).  We are thankful for your prayers.

  • Okay, the move to Switzerland is temporary.  Our church is giving me a sabbatical this summer (not to be confused with vacation – – see a Matt Schmucker article on sabbatical here).  As a part of the sabbatical, our church has been awarded a Lilly grant which means that we will be spending 5 weeks in the Lauterbrunnen Valley in Switzerland (as seen in this picture).
  • I am writing a book with Moody the goal of which is to motivate equip churches looking for a pastor to call a pastor in a Word-centered way.  This was the subject of my doctoral thesis.  Can anything be more strategic for local churches than to call a pastor in a Word-centered way.  You can read a portion of my doctoral thesis here – – but, remember this is written in an academic way, whereas my book will be written for people in local churches.
  • The Romans Project continues on Sunday mornings, but in the Fall, I will preach a new topical (but expository) series: Direction for the Journey: Confidently Stepping Forward in Life.  These are such uncertain, confused times.  Believers so often struggle to know what to believing about God’s will.  This series will show people how to confidently step forward in a Christ-centered way.
  • One of my most significant goals for the next 5 years is to see God continue to develop men in our church as leaders.  This week I am meeting three times with men.  I am focused on this goal.
  • Our oldest daughter turns 16 this year . . . Since we brought her home from the hospital yesterday, this is an adjustment for me.
  • I will be preaching mostly to the Bricks, but also:
    • At a special conference on forgiveness in the Milwaukee area on March 20.
    • At a double ordination service at Morningstar church March 28.  I have never preached at a double wedding, let alone a double ordination.
    • As a keynote speaker at the Peacemakers National Conference, September 16-18, near Washington D.C.  (Here for the Peacemakers blog).

5 thoughts on “Some Very Exciting (by our standards) Brauns Announcements, including a move to Switzerland

  1. I kind of mumble when our old church friends ask where we rented our house in FL. (cough, on the beach, cough…) But man, how do hide SWITZERLAND?!

    Enjoy it!

  2. What a GREAT year ahead for the Brauns family!! I’m so excited about the book, the grant, and these opportunities to spread a passion for God among his people. Praying for your family.

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