One of the things we’re encouraging our leaders to do is to write in their Bibles.
When you read the day’s chapter of Proverbs, paraphrase the Proverb that gets your attention (See here). So, today is the 27th. Read Proverbs 27 with pen in hand!
Journal your prayers. Write out sentence prayers. Pray with pen in hand.
Write out your Scripture memory verses (See here).
Write the date at the end of a book of the Bible each time you read it (See here).
Stephen Altrogge has a very helpful post on how to meditate on Scripture.
Meditate With Pen In Hand
I first heard of this from John Piper, who said the following:“A pastor will not be able to feed his flock rich and challenging insight into God’s word unless he becomes a disciplined thinker. But almost none of us does this by nature. We must train ourselves to do it. And one of the best ways to train ourselves to think about what we read is to read with pen in hand and to write down a train of thought that comes to mind. Without this, we simply cannot sustain a sequence of questions and answers long enough to come to penetrating conclusions”
The practice of writing down my thoughts as I read my Bible has had a transforming effect on my devotional times. Writing forces me to think through each verse, and to trace the logic of each passage. It helps me to fight distraction and to focus all my attention on the words before me. Go out and get yourself a Moleskine Watercolor Notebook Large
journal and start writing as you read.
Read more of Stephen Altrogge’s excellent thoughts here.
Thank you for discipling me via your blog! I’m putting this into practice more consistently- today!
Thank you Nann. That is so very sweet. If you think of it, update us about how it is going.